Employee Communication

Employee Communication Articles

Employee Benefits Total Reward Employee Communication

Which is more important? Employee engagement or Workplace culture?

Employee Engagement Gallup, the global analytics and advice firm, recently published their State of the Global Workplace...
5 min read time
Total Reward Employee Experience Employee Communication

How does a company cater for all employee age groups when it comes to benefits?

It doesn’t matter if a company is starting up, is a small to medium sized company, or a large multinational enterprise w...
5 min read time
Employee Benefits Employee Experience Employee Communication

5 top reasons why companies should welcome back boomerang employees

Companies spend a lot of time investing in onboarding new recruits with the hope of long-term employment, but the days o...
5 min read time
Employee Experience Flexible Benefits Employee Communication

Controlling HR benefit costs and how to achieve it

Work benefits can cost an employer a significant amount of money, especially if they are unclaimed by employees. Knowing...
4 min read time
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Employee Benefits Digitalisation Employee Communication

Digital HR tools can reduce or prevent employee burnout

In 2021 the World Health Organization (WHO) classified burnout on their international disease classification (ICD-11) li...
4 min read time
Employee Benefits Employee Experience Employee Communication

Creating a strong work culture: How you can bring remote workers or teams together in five steps.

Businesses are no strangers to freelancers or short-term contract workers regardless of what field they work in. They ha...
5 min read time
Employee Benefits Employee Experience Employee Communication

How HR Technology Can Revolutionize the Construction Industry

The construction industry is crying out for technology to make their work simpler and more flexible, but how does it go ...
5 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Communication

How will work benefits help hard-hit employees during inflation?

According to Statista, the rate of global inflation will be 3.81%, with some countries experiencing higher rates than ot...
3 min read time