Employee Experience

Employee Experience Articles

Employee Benefits Employee Experience Digitalisation

Five Ways You Can Become A Progressive Employer

In today’s ever-evolving employment landscape, the role of an employer is undergoing a profound transformation. The expe...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Experience

Are employees seeking greater pension choices or support for menopause? The answer varies depending on their location.

The past three years have accelerated changes in the workplace at a breakneck speed, which has led to a total reshufflin...
5 min read time
Employee Experience Digitalisation

How Using Data and Evidence Can Optimise a Health and Wellness Strategy

Data, in any form, allows for better decision making. Using claims data to direct your health and well-being strategy is...
7 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Experience

Personalization and Engagement: How to build true value into your EVP

An Employee Value Proposition is essential to attract candidates and maintain great employees. Any employee likely knows...
7 min read time
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Employee Experience Digitalisation

Three ways HR Tech creates individualization

The world is in turmoil, and everybody is feeling the pinch. This also affects employers when it comes to meeting the di...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Experience

Ensure benefits are delivered to employees alongside reward strategies

This blog is written by guest author, Baman Motivala, Chief Commercial Officer. He is based in our Stockholm HQ and over...
5 min read time
Employee Experience Employee Communication

How to build communications that combine consistent culture and localised messaging

Whether your work environment is hybrid, onsite, remote, or in different countries, it's more important than ever that e...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Benefits Employee Experience

HR Trendspotting 2023

A new year means new possibilities and a chance to start afresh with new and strong resolutions by putting employees fir...
5 min read time