Employee Health

Employee Health Articles

Employee Health Employee Experience

How to Use Technology to Support Employee Wellbeing

According to a 2018 Gallup study of almost 7,500 employees, 23% of employees said they feel burned out at work very ofte...
5 min read time
Employee Health

Digital Services For Better Health During COVID-19

In the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the risk of other illnesses - both physical and mental also increases. To comba...
8 min read time
Employee Health

Braive Offers Free CBT For Good Mental Health During COVID-19

As a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us are experiencing increased concern for our health, the health of our lo...
10 min read time
Employee Health Employee Communication

5 Ways to Protect Mental Health During Times of Uncertainty

The current situation has catapulted the world into a time of great uncertainty. As a result, many people are feeling he...
5 min read time
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Employee Health Employee Experience

Why Flexibility, Wellbeing, Inclusivity & Diversity are Crucial

Flexibility, wellbeing, inclusivity and diversity can all be found on the agenda of every HR meeting of every company ar...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Health

4 Ways to Increase Employee Happiness in 2020

In today’s war for talent, employee happiness must be made a priority by every employer. In a nutshell, unless employees...
5 min read time
Employee Benefits Employee Health

Employee Health: How Certain Foods Make Us Happier

When most people think about eating healthy, they usually think about it in connection to weight loss. However, eating h...
6 min read time
Employee Engagement Employee Health

5 Ways Exercise Helps Increase Employee Productivity

The Telegraph reported on a study conducted by Bristol University exploring the connection between productivity and exer...
5 min read time